
Next upcoming projects
1. From March 28 to April 3: “Once upon your time” (Erase tu vez). European course within the framework of the KA2 project of the same name and within the Erasmus Plus Program. It is a training course for teachers and professors in a methodology based on wonderful stories applied to their own lives, as a tool for the personal development of teachers and their students as well as for the prevention of early school leaving. 24 people from Slovenia, Iceland, Scotland and Spain participate. The course will take place in the Almudema Municipal Shelter and will be taught by the expert in this methodology, Juan Pedro Romera.
2. From April 14 to 20, the Elemental's Movement European youth exchange will be held at the Almudema Hostel on contemporary dance and personal growth inspired by Greek mythology and humanist currents such as Gestalt. 24 young people from Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Armenia, Greece, Slovenia and Lithuania participate. The activities will be developed around the principles of non-formal education with body movement sessions, theatrical exercises, group discussions and relaxation and meditation techniques.
3. From April 21 to 26, the European youth exchange NILE will be held at the Almudema Hostel on body movement, experiential learning and creativity inspired by the principles of non-formal education with learning sessions on therapeutic theater, contemporary dance, anatomy human, group discussions and intercultural learning techniques. 24 young people from Spain, Estonia, Armenia, and Slovenia participate.