
Explore you potential
The project The project aims at providing wider access to inclusion programs for the youth at risk of re-offending (21-30 years old prison inmates or probation clients) through preventive work based on NFL methods. We want to address two specific topics - violent behavioural patterns and substance abuse disorders, both initiating and fuelling unhealthy relationships, resulting in a major risk of social marginalisation and self-isolation among this youth segment. By aiming to reduce the propensity of social exclusion of youth at risk of re-offending.
The project’s goal consists of creating a network of youth workers trained to understand the importance of preventive education against recidivism of these youths at risk. As being equipped with competences and NFL methods, the youth workers will be capable of creating a positive environment for the target group, helping to build healthy relationships with themselves and others, attaining a lasting reintegration in society.

Our Training Course
The goal of the TC is to equip the participants with a set of competences and methods tailored to their professional needs, so they could accelerate in an effective manner the reintegration of people of this project's concern, namely young inmates and
probation clients.
The TC's content is represented by a collection of the methods developed so far by the partners, with an emphasis on the social inclusion of young people.
Each facilitator delivers a number of five-six methods, but their role exceeds the facilitation area, as they would provide the YWs a thorough feedback on how to use the method in their current work.
The concepts addressed in this TC are: ACE, substance abuse disorders, non-conflictual communication, family and ancestors, trauma and scattered social relations.
The week puts a prominent focus on the Youth sector, along with the Importance of quality in youth work. Every session stresses the importance of transferability in different types of organizations as part of the follow-up actions.